Are You Ready For Success?

Learn. Apply. Succeed.
Join The New Generation of Success
Success Mindset

A comprehensive program designed to reshape your thinking and life. This is not just another self-help course; it’s a revolutionary approach to unlocking your true potential by merging the worlds of neuroscience, mindset and actionable systems. Think of this program as your success blueprint, where you will not only be granted the step-by-step & the how-to's to help you reshape the way you think, act, and achieve but also be supported and guided by your coach and community every single step.

Inside The Success Mindset Program
How Will This Program Help Me?

Are you tired of feeling stuck in a loop of negativity, second-guessing yourself, and dealing with stuff you might not even see coming? Well, guess what? We know exactly how to change that.

During our "SUCCESS MINDSET" program we will be diving into the nitty-gritty of how your brain works, shining a light on those hidden struggles that keep blocking your growth/results. With our tried-and-true methods, you'll kick those old, negative habits to the curb and welcome in a set of new success habits that will instantly start working it's magic.

You'll walk around with a new kind of confidence, and guess what loves confidence?

Positivity -> Opportunities -> Results.


Science meets Systems

What sets the Success Mindset program apart is its fusion of science and systems. We don't just tell you what to do; we show you why it matters. Understand the inner workings of your mind and leverage this knowledge to implement proven systems that align with your goals. This powerful combination empowers you to make lasting changes and sustain the life you've always envisioned.



Michi C. Brink

Michi, a renowned Nail Artist and Tech, has spent the past 20+ years teaching, developing nail products for her Nail Brand (FANTASY NAILS EUROPE) and now embarks on a new venture to help everyone around her, become their best self.

It was one day, that she started questioning her students' success and how they all achieved such different results even though they all received the exact same information. It was there and then, she understood that her life purpose is to help people achieve the ultimate success that they deserve and to help them become the person they are meant to be.


Become The Action Taker

If you want lasting change, then you must start thinking, behaving, and acting differently. But that's often the most difficult part, TAKING ACTION. At times we know, exactly what we should be doing, but there are also often times when we get stuck and don't know which steps to follow next.

That's exactly why, we have decided to create this entire program to act as your success blueprintwhere every important step is explained from the very root (in the most simple and concise way) so that you gain knowledge of how, what and when you should be implementing all of these changes.


How Does Your Day-to-Day Look Like?

Take a closer look on the images below, and ask yourself the following questions:

PART 1: Scene A

Imagine stepping into your current everyday life, represented by Scene A. Take a moment to absorb the image and reflect on your current circumstances. Now, let's explore this further with a few questions:

😰 Approach to Challenges: How do you typically react when faced with challenges or obstacles in your day-to-day life? Do these situations tend to trigger stress, self-doubt, or frustration?

✔️ Daily Routine: What does your daily routine look like? How are you spending your time, from the moment you wake up to when you go to bed? Are there moments that drain your energy or bring you joy?

👥 Surroundings: Who are the people you interact with most frequently? Do your interactions uplift and support you, or do they sometimes contribute to negative thoughts and feelings?

🫨 Patterns of Thought: Reflect on your thought patterns throughout the day. Do you often find yourself caught in cycles of self-criticism, comparison, or feelings of being overwhelmed?

PART 2: Scene B

Now, shift your focus to Scene B, where you're glimpsing into the life of a successful individual. Envision yourself in this scenario and consider.

🎯 Approach to Challenges: How does this successful version of you handle challenges? How do they maintain their composure and confidence in the face of difficulties?

✅ Daily Routine: Picture the routines and habits of this successful you. How do they start their day? What activities do they engage in to nurture their personal growth and wellbeing?

🫂 Surroundings: In this ideal scenario, who are the people surrounding you? How do these relationships contribute positively to your mindset and ambitions?

🧠 Patterns of Thought: Imagine the mindset of this accomplished version of yourself. How do they cultivate positive thoughts and avoid falling into the traps of self-doubt and comparison?

In Conclusion

As you reflect on these two scenarios, you might have had a revealing "aha!" moment. The truth is your everyday choices, thoughts, and habits profoundly impact the life you're living. The pain points and negative cycles you've identified in Scene A are interconnected, forming a self-perpetuating pattern that holds you back.

Now, imagine breaking free from this cycle. Imagine embracing the successful individual's mindset, routines, and habits in Scene B.

In the program, you'll delve into the science behind your thoughts and actions, unravelling the reasons behind your negative cycles. You'll learn actionable systems that empower you to rewire your mindset, replace self-doubt with confidence, and attract positivity into every facet of your life. By understanding the "why" behind each step, you'll create lasting change and build a life of purpose, fulfilment, and success.

Your journey from Scene A to Scene B begins here. Are you ready to take that first step? The power to reshape your reality is in your hands.

Real Lasting Change Starts Here
What Can You Expect From This Program?
Overcome Limitations

Say goodbye to self-doubt and negativity. Our program shows you how to break free from beliefs that have held you back for too long. Imagine opening doors to endless possibilities.

Build Lasting Habits

Success isn't just a destination; it's a journey. Learn to create and maintain habits that lead to greatness. We provide tools for sustainable habits that become second nature, making progress effortless.

Control Your Emotions

Emotions drive progress. Understand their role in your success journey. Learn to use emotions as motivation, resilience, and unwavering determination to reach your goals.

Boost Your Confidence

Confidence is the key to achievement. Unlock your inner potential with expert guidance and practical strategies. Develop unshakable confidence, radiate self-assurance, and attract the success you deserve.

This Program is FOR YOU IF 

You're looking to complete the SUCCESS MINDSET Program, from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace.

*This program has NO scheduled beginning day. You decide when to start!

Here is what you'll be getting when enrolling to this experience:


📖 PHYSICAL BOOK "Everything Begins With Gratitude - Complete Gratitude Journal + Work Book"



👋🏻 Join the "GROWTH GRID" COMMUNITY and connect with LIKE-MINDED people like yourself

Success Mindset Program + 12-Week Guided Journaling


Program + 12-Week Guided Journaling

This program is for you if you're looking for the ULTIMATE LIFE CHANGING & BREAKTHROUGH EXPERIENCE.

Receive the exact step-by-steps on how to maximise each exercises/challenges. Michi becomes your accountability partner!

Here is what you'll be getting when enrolling:

  • Instant Access
  • PHYSICAL BOOK "Everything Begins With Gratitude Journal / Work Book"
  • Access to VIDEO CONTENT (Pre-recordings) inside our online platform "EDUCATION HUB"
  • ACCESS EXCLUSIVE CONTENT - Inside our "GROWTH GRID" COMMUNITY (Only available for members of this experience) Here you will able to access additional resources, learn from Michi's personal insights, take part in challenges and online events.
  • EACH WEEK, UNLOCK EXCLUSIVE CONTENT! During your 12 Weeks, you will be able to access new content that automatically unlocks itself each week.
  • WEEKLY FOLLOW-UPS Michi Becomes Your Accountability Partner! Inside the "GROWTH GRID" Community you will be granted access to exclusive content, tailored to this experience. Here you will be able to connect with Michi as well as with your fellow members. Use this opportunity to connect, and share your experiences. 
  • YOUR EXCLUSIVE INVITE TO ONLINE MEETINGS (group calls) during your 12-Weeks.

Frequently Asked Questions...

Find here all the answers regarding our platform & enrolments